Sunday, June 21, 2020

How India will become Self-dependent & #Atamnirbharbharat??

Government saying, every state, every district, every villages should become Independent but my question is how?Do we have any plan?Do we have vision?Do we have strategy?? Do we have budget?? Do we have health system & medical industries ?? Do we have enough doctors???Do we have transparency in system?? Do we have all the resources & minerals??? Do we have good education & research?? Do we have technology?? Do we have good infrastructure??Do we have least cost education patterns?? Can Government provide education on least cost?? Then I believe India and their states will be independent. Think in broader sense. India is multicultural, multi-linguistic, and has richest, economical & poorer population. Leave richest, they can survive anyway because they have everything. To eliminate the poverty government should focus on middle class & poor sections of the community.

India can be a big exporter in the coming years because India have sufficient natural resources.In Contrary, I can say India is a land of natural resources. I believe that country in which I am living is totally independent. We have farming,industries, man-force,ocean,coal,stable environment,transportation,science & technology, education & research etc. But we don't have plans & we need key to unlock the minds.

Our big challenge is that how to preserve what we have in our nation. Need to focus on that and if every citizen of this Country start thinking, how to consume the natural resources in limits then future generation will not call us culprit. Problem is that citizen of our Country are not aware about the importance of essential resources and the major drawback behind wastage of resources is non-education and negligence of people. I also believe that society matters a lot to change person's attitude towards responsibilities. Furthermore, System and governments also held accountable for depletion of natural resources because in our state rules and regulations were not strictly followed by people.India has many laws in the constitution but it is government & system failure that laws being not followed by the people.

As I illustrated the weaknesses of government & society in the above paragraph. I believe, India is sentimental Country and have many religions, creed & castes. There are many hot button issues in Indian politics,which attract Indian community a lot. Governments always trying to finds the issues & playing sentimental games with people feelings because they are well aware about how to get people favor. We Indian people only thinking about ourselves not for the Country future. It is responsibility of every citizen to raise voice against corrupt system. Why educated students didn't get employment in their country because they didn't raise their voice against corrupt system. Public also not worry about government existence and roles of government & constitution in our lives, most of the population thought that what government will give us ,if i will not vote. Let me tell you the truth of good governance, a good governance can enlighten your lives with happiness and people will get every facility like health care, employment, development,technology & can bring foreign investment in the country. 

To become independent, government unlock the doors for those who are economically weak & Government must do lot of investment in the sector of education which will help poorer & middle class families to avail the education benefit .To facilitate the poorer students, government should construct numerous government schools,colleges & universities then only lower class students get enrolled in higher education. Scholarships quota should be maximum for needy thus more candidates can be benefited from this scheme. Also, on scholarships programs & career growth, awareness program should be conducted at school levels. Most of rural students don't know what to do after schooling so to give the vision & demonstrate about the courses will help pupils to choose the desired path. Privatization will not help nation to become independent. Private education is a business & private educators earning huge revenue & charging high fees.

If Government wants to address the issues,they can do. For instance, lock-down was successfully imposed & handled by authorities strictly in whole country. So I believe anything possible if government want to do something incredible for public. But all are thinking how to do corruption.Nobody think about normal people in this country. Need to educate people about their rights and moral values. To be Continues.........

Is it good idea to ban Chinese products??

It is good idea but what are the consequences of immediate sanction on Chinese things?Before imposing sanction on Chinese items ,India should have capacity to manufactured products which country importing from other countries. In my opinion, putting immediate ban on Chinese products not a good decision. Many businessmen are doing businesses of Chinese product & their source of earning is only dependent on Chinese sales , if governments put restriction on imports then small business man suffer from huge loss.

India have to work extremely hard and should conduct analysis & identify the products which India importing. India must invite foreign investor to India & set up manufacturing industries then Bharat can become exporter.

If India become #atamnirbharbharat# in all the way then government must come with initiative to make India manufacturing hub. In conclusion, When every person, every sector, small, big, rich , poor are working independently and earning handsome money within India, on that day India would have feel self-independent. 
#atamnirbharbharat#  When Import Minimum and Export would be maximum.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When border infrastructure developed,army person will not die at LAC.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When corruption will be minimum.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When Every educated people get employment in India.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When Indian researcher capable to find vaccine for pandemic.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When farmers didn't commit suicide.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When Indian government see every citizen with equality.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When people get justice within time period.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When Ministers are elected on the basis of education & every leader crime history should be checked before nomination.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When infrastructure become viral in the world.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When India use own innovative technology to benefit the people.
#atamnirbharbharat#  When poor will not die due to hunger.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

How to improve farmer's income

I would like to address the issues which we small farmers were facing with Government poor system. I saw Prime Minister scheme which is " Har Khet Ko pani" I appreciate this scheme but actually at ground level farmers not getting water from canals to fields for irrigation of crops. why because there were no such channels available to get waters from canals to fields. All are vanished by governments and no public servant came to check the existence of small canals with the land mapping. In records, existence available such as water transportation channels but actually condition is entirely opposite. 

Canal Cleaning was performed decade's ago .I don't remember exactly but all canals & rivers was blocked due to rubbish and growth of unwanted tiny plants inside the canals or rivers. who will be responsible for the cleaning of canals and rivers. if there is a department then why cleaning of rivers wasn't performed in last 10 years. It seems there is no department and there is shortage of labours and also government wants to save the expenditure. As prime minister initiated & launched the scheme in 2015 " Har Khet Ko Pani"  i think in Punjab very few farmers will get benefits for crops irrigation through canals. Only those will get benefits whom land is close to the water channels and canals, other will have to fight to get the canal water to the fields.

If the irrigation system improve then every farmer get water from canals, rivers or small water channels then I hope suicide rate become zero and minimal. In these days, Submersible & bore wells are being the media to irrigate the crops and there is no another option to take care the crops. Moreover, the major concern is that farmers investing lots of money on submersible pumps and bore-wells every year .This Putting extra burden on small farmers. How small farmer will survive with this much difficulties and headaches. If Government Really wants to extend the help to farmers then improve the system of irrigation,provide interest free loans , subsidy on farming equipment and pay good selling price to farmers.

Every state government must prepare the irrigation network with proper plan and implementation required. Center must come with clear plan to connect all the Rivers, Canals and reservoirs joining framework all over India. If all the rivers, Canals and reservoirs will be connected with each other then we can control floods and cyclone situation easily and bulk water can be compensated through this sytems. We need to study every details and plan can be developed and can be implemented on actual ground. 
Budget required.  

If Governments established good irrigation system in the country then it will also help in water conservation and nature resources will not disappear from land.Need to focus on planning and system which we are going to adopt. If there is good system , definitely you will get the positive outcome.

Lastly I would say that "Save farmer,Save India,Save economy"